What Causes Jeep Wrangler Won’t Start But Has Power?(Fixed)

Do you face this issue where your trusted jeep wrangler won’t start? When you check it, you may find that it has power, but the Jeep isn’t starting for some reason. Sounds troublesome, right? 

So, how do you fix a jeep wrangler that won’t start but has power? You can troubleshoot for any faulty or damaged starter components. Then, once you find the part causing this problem, you can either replace or repair them. 

Let’s dive in a little deeper to find out how you can go about this issue and ride your favourite Jeep wrangler to your utmost satisfaction. 

6 Reasons Why Jeep Wrangler Not Starting Despite Having Power

There are plenty of causes that your jeep wrangler won’t start, but it has power. To fix the issue, you will need to find out the exact reason causing this problem. 

Typically, a Jeep wrangler with power shouldn’t have any issues with the battery. So, if your Jeep Wrangler isn’t starting even though it has power, then here are some reasons you should look into – 

  • Faulty Crankshaft Position Sensor 
  • A Faulty Fuel Pumps
  • Damaged Starter Component 
  • Clogged Fuel Injectors 
  • Defective Spark Plugs
  • Loose Wire Connections 

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How To Troubleshoot and Fix Jeep Wrangler Won’t Start But Has Power Issue?

Let’s not waste any time and get right into the solutions to get your Jeep wrangler cruising on the road –

#1- Replace the Crankshaft Position Sensor if Faulty 

The function of the crankshaft position sensor in your Jeep wrangler is to help the ECU create a spark. Without a properly functioning crankshaft positioning sensor, the ECU fails to ignite any spark in your Jeep. As a result, the Jeep wrangler won’t even start. 

You will need to replace the faulty crankshaft with a new one to fix this issue. Keep in mind that, it’s not just about the installation, there is a calibration process as well. You can do the whole thing yourself if you know where to find the sensor. If you don’t, then we suggest going to a professional. 

Typically, replacing the sensor can cost around $125 to $350. The part itself comes at $70 to $130. And the labor cost is around $40 to $200, depending on your locality. 

#2- Replacing the Damaged Fuel Pump

Can you even drive a car without fuel? The key function of a fuel pump is to deliver fuel to get the engine going. So, a damaged or defective fuel pump will fail to start the engine, without any fuel to power it. Also, a damaged fuel pump can completely mess up the fuel-to-air ratio.  

At that point, the only solution you have to fix the issue is to replace your fuel pump. Depending on the model of your Jeep Wrangler, you can find a lot of replacement fuel pumps online. However, the process can be very technical. So, if you don’t have the experience, don’t try to replace it yourself. 

The cost will vary greatly based on the Jeep Wrangler model you drive. You can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $1000 for the pump. But, then, the labor may cost you around $100 to $250. 

#3- Repairing or Replacing Starter Components 

Several components in your Jeep Wrangler work together in starting up the engine. Such as connectors, mounting bolts, battery terminals, and the starter. When any of these fails, your engine doesn’t turn over. 

Luckily, you can try to repair some of the components. For example, the issue with mounting bolts is that they come loose. Tightening them should fix the problem in that case. You will have to worry about rust issues with the connectors and battery terminals. Clean and remove the rust to repair the connectors and battery terminals. 

You only have to opt for a replacement when the starter goes bad. In that case, it may cost you around $300 to $450 for the starter and an additional $150 to $300 for labor costs. To replace a starting motor completely you will require $250 to $1000. 

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#4- Unclogging the Fuel Injectors 

Over time, the fuel injectors of a Jeep Wrangler tend to clog up. Various substances can cause this to happen. Some key ones are, of course, hydrocarbons and slit. Also, rust residues from other parts, like the fuel filter, can clog up the fuel injectors. These clogs eventually stop the engine from starting. 

The good news is that you can easily fix the issue with a simple fuel injector cleaner. Although, sometimes the debris can be so much that it damages the fuel injector completely. When this happens, the only solution is to replace the injector and install a new one. 

Typically, a good quality replacement fuel injector for your Jeep Wrangler can cost around $300 to $900. The cost depends on the number of cylinders in your Jeep Wrangler. A lower number means lower cost. 

#5- Replacing the Defective or Damaged Spark Plug 

Undoubtedly, the spark plugs on an engine are one of the most crucial parts. It works like a bridge to ignite the engine and establish the electrical connection. A damaged or defective spark plug will result in no ignition in the engine, and you know what happens after that, right? 

The thing with spark plugs is that you can’t repair them. To fix this issue, you will need to replace the spark plug with a new one. Now, the good thing is that you can replace a spark plug all by yourself. 

You can get your hands on new spark plugs for $90 to $100. So, they are quite cheap, but the expensive part of this fix is the labor cost. So, it can go from somewhere around $150 to $250. 

#6- Fixing Loose Wiring Connections 

Typically, two types of loose wiring can cause the Jeep Wrangler not to start. It can be a connection between the engine and the battery. Or it can be a loose ground strap. The ground strap is the cable that connects the battery’s negative terminal with the chassis. 

In either case, the fix is to tighten the wiring to make a proper connection following the manual. Just look for loose ends in the connections and tighten them to solve the problem. With the ground strap connection, you may need to use a second cable or replace the existing ground strap other than tightening it. 

Coming to the cost factor of the solutions, you don’t need to spend anything to tighten the loose connection. As for the ground strap, they can cost you somewhere around $15 to $30 and you can install it yourself.

Read Also: Jeep Wrangler Won’t Start But Battery Is Good? (6 Easy Fix)


Still, have some questions wandering around in your mind? Well, check out some of the frequently asked questions about the Jeep Wrangler not starting while it still has power. These should clear out most of your confusion –

What do you do when your Jeep Wrangler doesn’t start?

The first thing to do is troubleshoot your Jeep Wrangler. First, check the probable sources of failure, such as the battery, fuel pumps, spark plugs, wiring, fuel injector, and starter components. After that, you can solve the issues easily. 

Is it expensive to fix a Jeep Wrangler refusing to start?

It depends on what issues you are dealing with in your Jeep. If it’s something trivial as replacing a spark plug, it’s not that expensive. But you may need to spend quite a lot to replace a starter motor. 

How much does a starter for a Jeep Wrangler cost? 

A Jeep Wrangler starter can cost you around $300 to $450 without the labor cost. 


That’s it, and now you know how you can fix your Jeep wrangler when it doesn’t start while having power. But, before parting ways, here are some suggestions for you that can be quite helpful. 

Don’t just rely on the solutions when you can avoid the problem completely. Proper maintenance of the car and going through regular checkups at mechanics is a great way to keep your Jeep in top condition. Also, troubleshoot your car to find the specific problem before going through the solutions. 

Now that this is out of the way, you should have everything you need to know about your Jeep Wrangler not starting despite having power.