Jeep XJ transfer case leaking! [How to fix]

Transfer case splits the power on your Jeep XJ that comes from the transmission to the front and rear wheels. This part is a self-contained unit with its fluid. So, if the fluid leaks, it cannot lubricate the inner parts of the transfer case, leading to wear and overheating.

When you notice such leakage underneath your Jeep XJ, you should immediately take action and fix it. In this regard, keep reading the article to learn about the Jeep XJ transfer case leaking.

Why does the Jeep XJ transfer case leak?

There could be several reasons behind the leak in the Jeep XJ transfer case. But, most of the time occurs due to worn out or broken seals on the yoke where the driveshaft connects with the transfer case. Over time, the seals dry up, wear out, or break, causing the fluid to leak. It’ll cause the vehicle to overheat, and even the transfer case will be damaged.

How to fix the leaking Jeep XJ transfer case?

The fixing process depends on the cause of the transfer case leakage. Most of the time, the NP231 transfer case leaks due to a worn-out or broken seal. So, if the real culprit is the seal, follow the easy guide to replace the seal to prevent leakage.

Step 1: First, keep the vehicle neutral and block the wheel, then use a jack stand to lift the vehicle. Then, you need to disconnect the driveshaft on one side, which connects with the output yoke. Use an 8mm wrench to disconnect the 4 bolts from the driveshaft. 

Step 2: Attach the inch and eighth half-inch drive sockets to the power tool. Using the tool, remove the yoke nut. After removing the yoke nut, remove the yoke, and you can access a gasket. Remove it and keep it aside for use later.

Step 3: Using a seal puller, pull the seal out, and the seal will easily separate from the transfer case. Then, clean the splines using a dry towel.

Step 4: Inspect the yoke flange machine surface before installing the seal. That should be polished, and if any crake remains, it’ll create premature damage to the sealer again. 

Step 5: Take the garter spring and use a little bit of grease on the inside position for proper installation. Also, grease the yoke flange. Then, put the seal into the position and provide a little presser using your hand to keep it straight.

Then, use a bearing race that has a minimum of 2-inch holes. Put it over the seal and take a hammer, then start tapping it to put back the new sealer on the housing surface. 

Step 6: Clean the gasket you removed and put it back. Then, use RTV all the way around the shaft. Then, reinstall the yoke and the driveshaft with the transfer case. If you plan to drive the vehicle after installing the new sealer, you must wait 24 hours as RTV takes time to settle on its position.

However, if the sealer change doesn’t fix the issue, you should consult a professional, as you might need to drop the transfer case and find out the cause.

Can you drive with a leaking transfer case?

Whether you can drive or not depends on the fluid level. You can drive the vehicle if the transfer case just starts leaking and the fluid. When all the fluid escapes, it cannot lubricate the transfer case’s inner parts, and the vehicle fails to shift power into the four-wheel drive. For this, you need to stall roadside.

How long should a transfer case seal last on Jeep XJ?

Transfer case fluid should be changed every 30,000 miles to ensure proper lubrication of the inner parts. When you change the fluid, you should inspect the seal to see whether there is any crack or damage. However, you can expect the transfer case seal to last more than 85,000 miles.

Final words

Transfer case leakage should be fixed when you notice it. Otherwise, you need to stall into the roadside due to the drainage of lots of fluid. You can fix the leakage issue by simply changing the seal. The above guide helps you to know the easiest way to keep off leakage from Jeep XJ.

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