You are on a smooth driving momentum on your favorite jeep. But suddenly, your jeep shuts out of nowhere. Unfortunately, you are facing the issue every time you drive your jeep. The level of irrigation goes to the next level.
A Jeep can take you to your desired destination quickly. But a Jeep shut-off can delay your arrival. Now you need a permanent solution to this problem.
You’ll find many reasons for a Jeep shut-off. Have you ever thought about the leading causes and solutions for a Jeep shut-off while driving and won’t start?
Less fuel, expired battery, faulty alternator, defective fuel pump, damaged ignition switch, lousy crankshaft sensor, faulty ECU, MAF failure, and expired temperature sensors are the primary reasons behind a Jeep shut-off. Bad spark plugs and loose electric lines also play a vital role in a shut-off.
Are you worried? There is nothing to worry about as all the causes mentioned above are fixable. Moreover, in most cases, you can solve the issue without calling a mechanic or taking your Jeep to the repair shop. What you need to do is to read the blog as we provide solutions to the possible causes of Jeep’s uneven shutting off. Some elementary steps will help you start your Jeep if it’s shut off on the road.
Why Does A Jeep Shut Off While Driving?
Several reasons are responsible for a Jeep’s shut-off while driving. Some of these causes are easy to detect, and some are sensitive. Fuel issues, problematic sensors, Oil leaking issues, Driving the vehicle with a bad oxygen sensor, and spark plug problems are the most common reasons behind a Jeep shut-off.
We’ve covered most Jeep shut-off causes while driving to help you figure out the actual reason.
Less Fuel
Air, fuel, and ignition are mandatory for an ideal engine start and getting better gas mileage in the jeep. If one of them is missing while driving, your Jeep will shut off.
The fuel level gauge and check engine light indicate insufficient fuel in the fuel tank. A broken fuel gauge can’t provide an accurate reading.
Faulty Alternator
A faulty alternator can’t charge up a car’s battery fully. As a result, a less-charged battery fails to provide the exact amount of energy to the engine and other electrical components. The same thing might happen if your jeep voltage regulator doesn’t work properly.

Defective Fuel Pump
Keeping the fuel supply constant, providing fuel to the engine, and delivering compressed fuel in the fuel pipe is the prime job of a fuel pump.

Unfortunately, a faulty fuel filter and a murmuring sound from the engine indicate a problematic fuel pump.
Damaged Ignition Switch
A rusty ignition switch fails to balance the combustion in an engine. In addition, debris accumulation around the ignition switch hampers the power supply, leading to a shut-off. Moreover, you might easily find a shutting-off issue if your jeep has a key fob issue.
Bad Crankshaft Sensor
The crankshaft calculates the movement of different engine parts and then transmits the message to the ECU (Engine Control Unit). But a lousy crankshaft can’t check the Jeep’s ignition, fuel injector, and ignition time.
Faulty ECU
ECU is the center of a Jeep and contacts all the sensors to run the Jeep properly. Therefore, a faulty ECU is another crucial reason behind the Jeep shut-off.
Inspect the check engine light to confirm a defective ECU.
Mass Air Flow Sensor Failure
A mass air flow sensor determines the air amount by calculating the current air level in the engine and sending a message to the ECU about the needed amount of air.
But a faulty MAF sends the wrong message to the ECU, which makes fuel composition dilute or dense.
Faulty Spark Plugs
Creating sparks in the fuel-air blend is the top job of a spark plug. Your Jeep will operate if there’s an issue with one spark plug, but it’ll completely shut off if multiple spark plugs are defective.
Defective Electric Cable
Electric cable failure or jeep bad ground symptoms may occur due to a bad alternator and spark plug. Loose wirings are also responsible for a shut-off while driving. Electric cable failure or jeep bad ground symptoms may occur due to a bad alternator and spark plug.
Expired Temperature Sensor
Temperature sensors measure the engine coolant’s temperature using electrical resistance.
Unfortunately, when a temperature sensor goes bad, it can’t count the coolant’s temperature accurately. As a result, it fails to confirm if the engine is cold or warmed up.
Possible Causes | Symptoms |
Faulty Crankshaft Position Sensor | Engine stalling, check engine light comes on. |
Bad fuel pump | Engine overheats. |
Bad connection wiring harness | Loss of engine power. |
Faulty mass air flow sensor | Poor gas mileage, rough idle |
Clogged fuel filter | Fuel economy reduction, engine misfire. |
Dead battery | Difficulty starting the Jeep. check engine light comes on. |
Bad ignition coil | Engine misfire, poor fuel economy, engine power loss. |
Defective oxygen sensor | Poor fuel efficiency, the rotten smell from the exhaust. |
How To Fix Jeep Shuts Off While Driving
Let’s assume you have found out the actual cause of the unexpected shuts down of your Jeep. Now. You need to know how you can fix the problem, right? So let’s find solutions to most of these shut-off issues.
Swap Faulty Crankshaft Position Sensor
If the crankshaft position sensor goes bad, you can never think of getting better performance from your Jeep. If the crankshaft position sensor becomes detectable on your Jeep, it can’t monitor the crankshaft position and rotation speed.
Due to this, the PCM of your Jeep can’t determine the engine operating condition, causing the Jeep to shut off while driving.
Solution: The best thing you can do here is to replace the bad crankshaft position sensor ASAP.
Replacement Cost: $180-$300.
Replace the Bad Fuel Pump
The bad fuel pump is one of the most acute causes why you might face the issue of Jeep Shut off. How can a vehicle function smoothly to have a bad fuel pump that can’t deliver fuel to the engine combustion?
Solution: You need to repair or replace the fuel pump on the Jeep based on its condition. Furthermore, it is better to check the fuel pump with a professional mechanic.
Replacement Cost: $600-$900.
Check Bad Connection Wiring Harness
It may often happen that the connection wiring harness of your Jeep may be damaged or worn out. Due to this, there will be a lack of electrical connection among the components of a Jeep and ending up causing the problem of the Jeep shuts off repeatedly.
Solution: First, you need to check the wiring harness of every component on your Jeep. Then, if you find any major issues like broken, damaged, or worn-out wires, you should replace the wiring harness.
Replacement Cost: It depends on the types of wires causing the problem.
Clean Faulty Mass Air Flow Sensor
The Mass Air Flow or MAF sensor plays a decent role in determining the amount of airflow into the engine intake. If any problems occur with the MAF sensor, the computer unit on your Jeep can calculate the fuel needed to run the engine smoothly.
- Clean the clogged MAF sensor.
- If the MAF sensor is disconnected, connect it.
- Replace the MAF sensor if cleaning and connecting it can’t work.
Replacement Cost: $300-$450.
Clean Or Replace the Clogged Fuel Filter
Due to additional dirt and debris, the fuel filter on your jeep may become clogged. And, if this happens, the engine combustion on your jeep can get enough fuel pressure to run smoothly due to low fuel pressure.
- Clean the clogged fuel filter first.
- Replace the fuel filter if it is extremely corroded or damaged.
Replacement Cost: $100-$250.
Fix Battery Issue
In most cases, the battery on your Jeep may malfunction. There are far many reasons behind this. The battery may die due to age or other additional issues. Moreover, there’s also a possibility that the alternator of the battery becomes bad.
Solution: Here, first, you need to check the battery on your Jeep using a multimeter. If you can’t inspect the voltage of 12.6 or even more, there is a problem with the battery.
Next, replace the bad alternator. Unfortunately, if it doesn’t work, you should replace the whole battery.
Note: A Jeep battery can last 3-5 years.
Replacement Cost: Depending on the type of Jeep you have; it may cost you around $50-$300.
Fix Bad Ignition Coil
The ignition coil for any vehicle plays a decent role in starting the engine. So, it is usual that you will find the issue of the Jeep excessive shutting off due to the bad ignition coil on your Jeep. Often, the issue of a bad ignition coil occurs due to a defective spark plug.
Solution: The solution to this problem is like walking in the park. You should replace the ignition coil, as repairing the ignition coil doesn’t provide any positive results. What about cleaning? Well, it’s better to replace the ignition coil on your own.
Replacement Cost: $200-$250.
Replace The Defective Oxygen Sensor
According to many users, this is the most common reason Jeep shuts while driving. If the oxygen sensor on your Jeep is bad, the PCM or central control unit on your Jeep can’t adjust the air-fuel ratio on the engine combustion. And this ultimately causes the Jeep to shut off.
Solution: There’s no alternative to replacing the bad oxygen sensor on your Jeep.
Replacement Cost: $200-$300.
There are tons of reasons why a Jeep shuts off while driving. Some of these problems are easy to fix, and others need an expert’s attention.
Checking Fuel Level
Check the fuel level before starting your Jeep. Fill up the fuel tank before you start driving. Don’t forget to inspect the fuel gauge regularly.
Fix Wirings

You can fix the loose electrical cables. First, locate the loose wires coming out of the fuse and battery. Then, tighten them properly and start the Jeep. Use new lines if the cables are completely worn out.
ECU Inspection
You can’t fix a faulty ECU in your backyard. Take your Jeep to the nearby repair shop once you find problems related to the Jeep’s ECU.
The only remedy for crankshaft sensors, spark plugs, and the ignition switch is to replace them fast if they can’t deliver the desired performance.
Charging a defective battery regularly often costs more than a new battery. So, replacing the faulty battery with a new one is better.
Now, you know the reasons and remedies for a Jeep shut-off. But what will you do if it shuts off on the road?
Following these steps will help you to fix the sudden Jeep shut-off on the road.
Step 01: Side Your Jeep
You won’t be able to steer or brake when the Jeep shuts off. So instead, use the emergency brake to pull over your Jeep to the roadside. It’ll save your Jeep’s rear from accidents.
Step 02: Restart
Try restarting the Jeep after you’ve successfully pulled it over. Then, take your Jeep to the nearest mechanic shop if you’ve successfully restarted it.
Step 03: Using Emergency Flasher
Use the emergency flashers in case you fail to restart your Jeep. It’ll notify other drivers on the road about the issue.

Step 04: Look For Help
Ask for help if you fail all the attempts available above. Then, use the general, accessible wayside help to start the Jeep.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does less fuel shut off a Jeep’s engine?
A lack of fuel doesn’t shut off a Jeep’s engine completely. However, the Jeep will shut off entirely if the fuel amount constantly decreases significantly.
How can I detect a Jeep that shuts off while driving?
Muttering sounds from the engine, checking the engine light ON, and visible DTC codes on the car’s display help detect the Jeep’s shut-off while driving. You’ll find various signs when you’ve gathered enough experience regarding Jeep shut-off.
Does the crank sensor position affect shut-off?
Yes, the crank sensor position affects shut-off. If the crank sensor is misplaced, it’ll fail to deliver the exact message to the engine control unit. A rusty sensor generally gets misplaced due to corrosion.
What Causes a Jeep to Stall While Driving?
Issues like bad mass airflow (MAF) sensor, dead battery, defective ignition coil, dead battery, faulty oxygen sensor, and bad fuel pump are the most common reasons for the Jeep to stall while driving. So, it’s important to check these components whenever you notice a problem.
Where Is the Mass Air Flow on My Jeep?
You will find the mass airflow sensor attached to the induction system under the hood of your Jeep. Pull out the red clip on the MAF sensor to replace the MAF sensor, and it will come out quite easily.
Can I Replace the Dead Battery of Your Jeep?
Yes, you can replace the dead battery of your Jeep on your own. But there are some conditions. First, you have to check the battery on your Jeep. Then, you can replace the battery if there’s not enough voltage (Lower than 12.6). However, ensure you have the appropriate tools to replace the battery.
The Jeep shut-off is a common and confusing issue. The reasons behind this shut-off are pretty basic. We hope the analysis of the Jeep shut-off while driving and the main reasons and solutions have given you a clear idea of identifying the causes.
Solving these problems is easy but take your Jeep to an expert motorist if the issue is in the ECU. Also, don’t forget to clean the Jeep’s sensor to avoid a shut-off!
However, if you find any difficulty while performing the troubleshooting steps, don’t mind asking the mechanic for help. Lastly, ensure you take the proper care of your Jeep to avoid any unwanted issues.